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Is your team ready for remote work? 5 steps to do it successfully

With the outbreak of COVID-19, many companies are being forced to work remotely, and some employees are actively asking to work from home. Knowing what to do and how to react to such a global event is not easy, but we’re on this together, and information sharing is one of our most powerful tools at […]
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Relocation: 6 Signs of Emotional Stress and How to Solve It

As an HR manager, you want employee relocation to be as smooth as possible. But for many employees, leaving their home country behind is a big deal. Most advice online focuses on how to structure the actual relocation package. But looking at the problem financially, it’s easy to overlook the human element of relocation. The […]
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What Good Managers Understand About Successful Cross-Border Teams

One thing good managers understand is norms. They establish them at the start, monitor them throughout, and quickly address bad ones when they develop. But what are norms in a team context? Norms are standards of behavior. They make teamwork easier and smoother, but they can also lead to conflict if individual members violate them.
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