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The Art of Apologizing Effectively Across Cultures

  We all make mistakes. Nobody is perfect, and we all need to apologize at some point in our lives. Apologizing is important because it shows that you take responsibility for your actions and recognize that you have affected someone else negatively.  However, apologizing helps repair damaged relationships, establish (and re-establish) trust, and reduce conflict. […]
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How To Unlock Self-Directed Learning According To L&D Expert

  Listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Buzzsprout. There is no one theory or model of adult learning that explains everything we know about adult learners, the contexts where learning takes place, and the process of learning itself. What we do have is a mosaic of theories, models, sets of […]
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The Key To Agreeing And Disagreeing Effectively Across Cultures

Agreeing and disagreeing are a fundamental part of collaboration. Learning how to do it effectively without offending anyone gets more difficult when you are interacting across cultures. Whether you need to improve your English for work or for your personal lives, this post will provide you with a wide range of tools –phrases, frameworks, strategies, […]
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High-Context Cultures – Avoid Misunderstandings And Build Stronger Relationships

Not understanding the differences between high- and low-context cultures can lead to serious misunderstandings at work. In this post, you will learn the different communication styles between high-context and low-context cultures and you will get some (super) easy to apply strategies to make sure collaboration across cultures is smooth as silk.
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10 Effective Ways to Increase Your Cultural Intelligence (CQ)

In our increasingly globalized and connected world, the ability to work effectively across cultures is more crucial than ever. But what exactly does this entail? In this episode, we delve into the concept of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and its role in navigating the challenges of working in a cross-cultural environment.
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13 Ways to Break Down Silos in the Workplace And Boost Collaboration

An organization can’t be agile and siloed at the same time. Workplace silos ruin trust, hinder collaboration, and cost money. Yet only 19% of employees in the U.S. report that they’re satisfied with cooperation between their department and others, according to recent Gallup research. And a Slack Future of Work Study found that nearly one […]
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There’s a Strong Business Case For Diversity and Multicultural Teams. Here’s Why

The benefits of having a diverse workforce are well-documented: increased innovation, increased creativity, and problem-solving skills, better decision making, higher employee retention rates—the list goes on. And yet, despite the proven benefits of having teams that are more racially and ethnically diverse, we still struggle to make room (truly) for people from different backgrounds in […]
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How To Manage Diversity and Inclusion in The Workplace

Diversity and inclusion, if managed correctly, provide a competitive advantage. Greater returns to shareholders, employee retention, and higher innovation revenues are some of the benefits of workplace diversity -and yet, according to Glassdoor, 57% of employees think their company should be doing more to increase diversity among its workforce.
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3 Key Steps In Defining Impact In Learning and Development

Organizations now rely more heavily than ever on their Learning and Development departments to upskill the workforce and prepare them for the future of work. The L&D function, however, has been spread thin as budgets are cut, business demands get more challenging, and the need to demonstrate the ROI of their programs becomes more pressing.
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